10.1. typped.pratt_parser

A general Pratt parser module that uses dispatching of handler functions and can check types. The API is documented here. See the general Sphinx documentation for Typped for how to use the class and examples.

10.1.1. User-accessible parser attributes

User accessible attributes are mostly the same as the initialization keywords to the PrattParser initializer. Most are read-only, but some can be changed between parses.

10.1.2. User-accessible token attributes

Token instances straight from a Lexer instance have certain attributes set, as documented in the lexer module. In particular, the token_label, value, and children attributes are commonly used. The pratt_parser module defines its own subclass of the TokenNode class, which additionally assigns some extra attributes when tokens are defined. The parsing process also sets several user-accessible attributes.

Attributes set on TokenNode subclasses (representing kinds of tokens):

  • token_label

Attributes set on token instances (scanned tokens) during parsing:

  • parser_instance – the parser instance that parsed the token
  • original_formal_sig – a TypeSig instance of the resolved original formal signature
  • expanded_formal_sig – a TypeSig instance of the expanded formal signature
  • actual_sig – a TypeSig instance of the actual signature
  • construct_label – the string label of the winning preconditions function

Note that both original_formal_sig and expanded_formal_sig are set to the string "Unresolved" before the token is parsed. The actual signature is found during parsing and type-checking. Out of all possible overloads in the original formal signatures associated with the token (via modify_token) the one which matches the actual arguments is chosen. The expanded formal signature is the same as the original formal signature except that wildcards, etc., are expanded in the attempt to match the actual arguments.

These two attributes are actually properties which look up the value if necessary (to avoid unnecessary lookups during parsing). They both only work after parsing, since they use the original_formal_sig to look up the corresponding data or function.

  • ast_data – any AST data that was set with the construct for the resolved type
  • eval_fun – any eval_fun that was set with the construct for the resolved type

Optional attributes that can be set to a node inside a handler:

  • not_in_tree – set on a root node returned by the handler to hide it
  • process_and_check_kwargs – a kwargs dict to pass to type-checking routine

10.1.3. Implementation details

This section gives a general overview of the lower-level details of the PrattParser implementation. The basic class structure

TODO: Update diagram to and discussion to have ConstructTable.

There are five basic classes, with instances which interact. The main class is the PrattParser class, which users will mostly interact with. The overall relationships are shown in this image, with discussion below.


The next three classes are defined in the lexer module, although one is redefined here. They are the TokenSubclass, TokenTable, and Lexer classes.

A Lexer instance is always initialized with a TokenTable instance, whether it is passed-in as an argument or created internally as an empty token table. A PrattParser instance always creates its own token table and then passes that to the lexer, which it also creates.

Every PrattParser instance contains a fixed TokenTable instance, which never changes (except for the tokens in it). So each token-table created by a parser can save a pointer back to the parser which “owns” it. Each PrattParser instance also contains a Lexer instance, which contains a pointer to a parser instance (so the lexer can access the parser).

The TokenSubclass class is a subclass of the TokenNode class (which is defined in the lexer module). The subclassing adds many additional methods and attributes which are needed in the parsing application. The TokenSubclass class is actually defined inside a factory function, called token_subclass_factory, which produces a different subclass to represent each kind of token that is defined (tokens are defined via the def_token method of PrattParser). Instances of those subclasses represent the actual tokens (i.e., tokens scanned and returned by the lexer containing individual text-string values).

A TokenTable instance is basically a dict for holding all the defined token-subclasses. But it also has related methods and attributes associated with it. It is where all new tokens are ultimately created and defined, for example (although other classes like the parser class can add extra attributes to the created tokens).

A TokenTable instance contains all the tokens defined for a language, and stays with the PrattParser instance which created it (from which the tokens were necessarily defined). A Lexer instance can use different TokenTable instances, possibly switching on-the-fly. A lexer instance always has a pointer to its current token-table instance, but that can change on-the-fly (such as when separate parsers are swapped in to parse sub-languages in the same text stream). This is used when parser instances call other parser instances.

Tokens defined by a parser also save a pointer to their defining parser, since the token-table has a fixed association to the parser.

Tokens also need to know their current lexer instance because they need to call the next and peek methods, if nothing else. This is equivalent to the token table knowing its current lexer instance. So, whenever a token table is associated with a lexer using the lexer’s set_token_table method it is also given a pointer to that lexer as an attribute.

The final class of the five is the TypeTable class. This is essentially a dict to store all the defined types, but it also provides a nice place to define many methods for acting on types. It is defined in the pratt_types module and imported. Using different parsers inside handler functions

It is useful to be able to call different PrattParser instances from inside handler functions in order to parse subexpressions which are defined as sublanguages, having their own parsers. The implementation supports this as follows.

Essentially, a common lexer is passed around and told which token table (and hence parser) to use at any given time. It would be possible to pass around a text stream of unprocessed text, but then the lexers would need to be initialized each time, and saving information like line numbers and columns in the text would need to move to the text stream object.

The parse routine of a PrattParser takes an optional lexer argument, which is used by sub-parsers instead of the default lexer. When parsing a sublanguage with a different parser the the TokenTable instance of the lexer is set to be the same as the token table instance of the current parser (using the lexer’s set_token_table method). So you can call the parse method of a different parser instance from within a handler function, passing that other parser’s parse function the current parser’s lexer as an argument. The lexer will use the token table of the new parser but still read from the same text stream as the current parser.

Note that a sublanguage program (or expression or wff) must always be parsed from the beginning, so the parse method is called. When this parser reaches the end, where it would normally stop, the symbol table of the lexer is restored to the symbol table of the current parser (again using the lexer’s set_token_table method).

A sublanguage expression can end when the lexer doesn’t recognize a token, or when it would normally return a parsed expression.

10.1.4. Code

In reading the code, the correspondence between the naming convention used here and Pratt’s original naming conventions is given in this table:

This code Pratt’s terminology
token precedence left binding power, lbp
subexpression precedence right binding power, rbp
head handler function null denotation, nud
tail handler function left denotation, led
class typped.pratt_parser.TokenSubclassMeta[source]

Bases: type

A trivial metaclass that will actually create the TokenSubclass objects. Since tokens are represented by classes, rather than instances, this is necessary in order to change their __repr__ (the defalt one is ugly for tokens) and to overload operators to work for token operands in the EBNF-like grammar.


This function is called from the create_token_subclass method of TokenTable when it needs to create a new subclass to begin with. It should not be called directly.

Create and return a new token subclass which will be modified and used to represent a particular kind of token. Specifically, each scanned token matching the regex defined for tokens with a given token label is represented as an instance of the subclass created by calling this function (with further attributes, such as the token label, added to it).

Using a separate subclass for each token label allows for attributes specific to a kind of token (including head and tail handler methods) to later be added to the class itself without conflicts. This function returns a bare-bones subclass without any head or tail functions, etc.

typped.pratt_parser.lexer_add_parser_instance_attribute(lexer, token)[source]

Passed to lexer to add a parser_instance attribute to each token it returns. This attribute is added to instances at the lexer, from its current token table, because of the case where parsers call other parsers. (It is not added to general token subclasses in def_token_master because parsers could potentially share token subclasses.)


alias of ExtraHandlerData

class typped.pratt_parser.PrattParser(max_peek_tokens=None, max_deque_size=None, lexer=None, default_begin_end_tokens=True, type_table=None, skip_type_checking=False, overload_on_arg_types=True, overload_on_ret_types=False, partial_expressions=False, parser_label=None, raise_on_equal_priority_preconds=False)[source]

Bases: object

A parser object. Each parser object contains a table of defined tokens, a lexer, a table of constructs, and a table of defined types.

def_token_master(token_label, regex_string=None, on_ties=0, ignore=False, token_kind='regular', ignored_token_label=None, matcher_options=None)[source]

The master method for defining tokens; all the convenience methods actually call it. Allows for factoring out some common code and keeping the attributes of all the different kinds of tokens up-to-date. This routine calls the underlying lexer’s def_token to get tokens and then adds extra attributes needed by the PrattParser class.

The token_kind argument must be one of the following strings: "regular", "ignored", "begin", "end", "jop", or "null-string". The ignored_token_label is used only when defining a jop.

Tokens can be shared between parsers if all their properties are the same. Note that for now this includes the precedence value for any tail handlers (since that is made a token attribute). Null-string and jop tokens are the exception, but they are special in that they are never returned by the lexer, only by a particular parser.

def_token(token_label, regex_string, on_ties=0, ignore=False, matcher_options=None)[source]

Define a token. Use this instead of the Lexer def_token method, since it adds extra attributes to the tokens.

def_ignored_token(token_label, regex_string, on_ties=0, matcher_options=None)[source]

A convenience function to define a token with ignored=True.

def_begin_end_tokens(begin_token_label='k_begin', end_token_label='k_end')[source]

Calls the Lexer method to define begin- and end-tokens. The subclasses are then given initial head and tail functions for use in the Pratt parser. To use the PrattParser this method must be called, not the method of Lexer with the same name (since it also creates head and tail handler functions that raise exceptions for better error messages). The default is to call this method automatically on initialization, with the default token labels for the begin and end tokens. If the flag default_begin_end_tokens is set false on PrattParser initalization then the user must call this function (setting whatever token labels are desired). Returns a tuple containing the new begin and end TokenNode subclasses.

def_jop_token(jop_token_label, ignored_token_label)[source]

Define a token for the juxtaposition operator. This token has no regex pattern. An instance is inserted in recursive_parse when it is inferred to be present. This method must be explicitly called before a juxtaposition operator can be used (i.e., before def_jop). The parameter jop_token_label is the label for the newly-created token representing the juxtaposition operator. The ignored_token_label parameter is the label of an ignored token which must be present for a jop to be inferred. Some already-defined token is required; usually it will be a token for spaces and tabs. If set to None then no ignored space at all is required (i.e., the operands can be right next to each other).


Define the null-string token. This token has no regex pattern. An instance is inserted in recursive_parse when it is inferred to be present based. This method must be called before a null-string can be used. The parameter null_string_token_label is the label for the newly-created tok representing it.


Return the token with the label token_label. The reverse operation, getting a label from a token instance, can be done by looking at the token_label attribute of the token.


A method for undefining any token defined by the PrattParser methods. Since the token_kind was set for all tokens when they were defined it knows how to undelete any kind of token.

def_assignment_op_dynamic(parser, assignment_op_token_label, prec, assoc, identifier_token_label, symbol_value_dict=None, symbol_type_dict=None, allowed_types=None, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, eval_fun=None, create_eval_fun=False, ast_data=None)

Define an infix assignment operator which is dynamically typed, with types checked at evaluation time (i.e., when the tree is interpreted).

A precondition checks that the l.h.s. of the assignment operator is a token with label identifier_token_label. If not an exception is raised.

No type-checking is done on the r.h.s. by default. To limit the types that can be assigned you can pass in a list or iterable of TypeObject instances as the argument allowed_types. These formal types are stored as the list attribute allowed_dynamic_assignment_types of the parser instance. An exception will be raised by the generated evaluation function if an assigned value does not have an actual type consistent with a formal type on that list. If new types are created later they can be directly appended to that list without having to overload the assignment operator.

If create_eval_fun is true (and eval_fun is not set) then an evaluation function will be created automatically. The symbol_value_dict is used to store the values, which defaults to the parser attribute of the same name.

This method may not correctly set the return type when overloading on return types because currently val_type_override is used to set it.

def_assignment_op_static(parser, assignment_op_token_label, prec, assoc, identifier_token_label, symbol_value_dict=None, symbol_type_dict=None, allowed_types=None, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, eval_fun=None, create_eval_fun=False, ast_data=None)

Define an infix assignment operator which is statically typed, with types checked at parse time. Each identifier (with token label identifier_token_label must already have a type associated with it in the symbol_type_dict. This dict and the type values in it should be set via whatever kind of a type definition construct the language uses.

A precondition checks that the l.h.s. of the assignment operator is a token with label identifier_token_label. If not an exception is raised.

An evaluation function can optionally be created automatically, but by default is not. See the def_assignment_op_dynamic routine for more details since the mechanism is the same. If eval_fun is set then that evaluation function will always be used.

This method may not correctly set the return type when overloading on return types because currently val_type_override is used to set it.

def_assignment_op_untyped(parser, assignment_op_token_label, prec, assoc, identifier_token_label, symbol_value_dict=None, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, eval_fun=None, create_eval_fun=False, ast_data=None)

Define an infix assignment operator which is statically typed, with types checked at parse time. Each identifier (with token label identifier_token_label must already have a type associated with it in the symbol_type_dict. This dict and the type values in it should be set via whatever kind of a type definition construct the language uses.

A precondition checks that the l.h.s. of the assignment operator is a token with label identifier_token_label. If not an exception is raised.

An evaluation function can optionally be created automatically, but by default is not. See the def_assignment_op_dynamic routine for more details since the mechanism is the same. If eval_fun is set then that evaluation function will always be used.

This method may not correctly set the return type when overloading on return types because currently val_type_override is used to set it.

def_bracket_pair(parser, lbrac_token_label, rbrac_token_label, in_tree=True, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

Define a matching bracket grouping operation. The returned type is set to the type of its single child (i.e., the type of the contents of the brackets). Defines a head handler for the left bracket token, so effectively gets the highest evaluation precedence. As far as types, it is treated as a function that takes one argument of wildcard type and returns whatever type the argument has.

def_construct(head_or_tail, handler_fun, trigger_token_label, prec=0, construct_label=None, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None, token_value_key=None, dummy_handler=False)[source]

Define a construct and register it with the token with label trigger_token_label. A token with that label must already be in the token table or an exception will be raised.

Stores the construct instance in the parser’s construct table and also return the construct instance.

The head_or_tail argument should be set to either HEAD or TAIL. If head_or_tail==TAIL then the operator precedence will be set to prec. For a head handler the prec value is ignored and effectively set to zero. For a tail handler a prec value greater than zero is required or else an exception will be raised (unless dummy_handler is set true). Similarly, an exception is raised for a non-zero prec value for a head-handler (the default value).

The construct_label is an optional string value which can result in better error messages.

The eval_fun and the ast_data arguments are saved in dicts associated with the type signature.

If token_value_key is set to a string value then that value will be part of the key tuple for saving AST data and evaluation functions. This can be used, for example, when overloading a generic identifier with different evaluation functions for when the identifier value is sin, cos, etc. In looking up the AST data and evaluation function the parsed token’s actual string value (from the program text) is used as the key. If any overload of a particular construct provides a token_value_key string then all the other overloads for that construct must also (for the time being, at least).

def_default_float_token(parser, token_label='k_float', signed=True, require_decimal=False, on_ties=0)

Define a token for floats with default label ‘k_float’. If signed is true (the default) then a leading ‘+’ or ‘-‘ is optionally part of the float. Otherwise the sign is not included. This is sometimes needed when the signs are defined as a prefix operators instead.

def_default_identifier_token(parser, token_label='k_identifier', signed=True, on_ties=0)

Define a identifier. It is like Python identifiers: a letter or underscore followed by any number of letters, underscores, and digits.

def_default_int_token(parser, token_label='k_int', signed=True, on_ties=0)

Define a token for ints with default label ‘k_int’. If signed is true (the default) then a leading ‘+’ or ‘-‘ is optionally part of the float. Otherwise the sign is not included.

def_default_single_char_tokens(parser, chars=None, exclude=None, make_literals=False)

The characters in the string chars are defined as tokens with default labels. Spaces are ignored in the string. If chars is not set then all the labels will be defined except those in the string exclude. If make_literals is true then the tokens will also be defined as token literals (via def_literal).

def_default_whitespace(parser, space_label='k_space', space_regex='[ \\t]+', newline_label='k_newline', newline_regex='[\\n\\f\\r\\v]+', matcher_options=None)

Define the standard whitespace tokens for space and newline, setting them as ignored tokens.

def_infix_multi_op(parser, operator_token_labels, prec, assoc, repeat=False, not_in_tree=False, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

Takes a list of operator token labels and defines a multi-infix operator.

If repeat=True then any number of repetitions of the list of operators will be accepted. For example, a comma operator could be used to parse a full comma-separated list. When arg_types is also set use the Varargs object in the list to check the repetitions. For a single operator, repeating just has the effect of putting the arguments in a flat argument/child list instead of as nested binary operations based on left or right association. Any argument-checking is done after any node removal, which may affect the types that should be passed-in in the list arg_types of parent constructs.

If not_in_tree is false then the root node will not appear in the final parse tree (unless it is the root).

def_infix_op(parser, operator_token_label, prec, assoc, not_in_tree=False, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

This just calls the more general method def_multi_infix_op.

def_jop(parser, prec, assoc, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=None, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

The function precond_fun is called to determine whether or not to accept a potentially-inferred a juxtaposition operator between the previously-parsed subexpression result and the next token. Note that this function have available extra_data as an attribute of its triggering token, and extra_data contains the lookbehind attribute. Through the lookbehind list the jop_precond function has access to the type information for the potential left operand but not for the potential right operand.

Note that if the juxtaposition operator always resolves to a single type signature based on its argument types then, even if overloading on return types is in effect, the jop can be effectively inferred based on type signature information.

def_literal(parser, token_label, val_type=None, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type_override_fun=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

Defines the token with label token_label to be a literal in the syntax of the language being parsed. This method adds a head handler function to the token. Literal tokens are the leaves of the expression trees; they are things like numbers and variable names in a numerical expression. They always occur as the first (and only) token in a subexpression being evaluated by recursive_parse, so they need a head handler but not a tail handler. (Though note that the token itparser might also have a tail handler.)

A function val_type_override_fun can be passed in, taking a token and a lexer as its two arguments and returning a TypeObject instance. If it is set then it will called in the handler at parse-time to get the type to set as the val_type of the node. This can be useful for dynamic typing such as when identifiers in an interpreted language are generic variables which can holding different types. This option currently does not work for overloading on return types.

def_literal_typed_from_dict(parser, token_label, symbol_value_dict=None, symbol_type_dict=None, default_type=None, default_eval_value=None, raise_if_undefined=False, eval_fun=None, create_eval_fun=False, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=1, construct_label=None)

Define a dynamically typed literal, usually a variable-name identifier. The type is looked up in the dict symbol_type_dict, keyed by the string value of the token literal.

If create_eval_fun is true (and eval_fun is not set) then this method will provides an evaluation function automatically. This function returns the value looked up from symbol_value_dict, keyed by the literal token’s string value. The default value returned by the evaluation if the symbol is not in the dict is set via default_eval_value. (Currently there must be some default rather than raising an exception, with the default default value set to None.) Setting create_eval_fun false will skip the setting of an evaluation function.

The def_assignment_op_dynamic routine should be used to handle the corresponding variable assignment operation. That is, the assignment that dynamically sets the type of the literal to the type of the assigned value (storing it in symbol_type_dict by default).

This method may not correctly set the return type when overloading on return types because currently val_type_override is used to set it.

def_multi_ignored_tokens(parser, tuple_list, **kwargs)

A convenience function, to define multiple ignored tokens at once. Each element of the passed-in list should be a tuple containing the arguments to the ordinary def_token method with ignore=True. Calls the equivalent Lexer function.

def_multi_literals(parser, tuple_list)

An interface to the def_literal method which takes a list of tuples. The def_literal method will be called for each tuple, unpacked in the order in the tuple. Unspecified optional arguments are assigned their default values.

Usually it is better to define literal = parser.def_literal and use that as a shorter alias. This method does not allow for keyword arguments and depends on argument ordering.

def_multi_tokens(parser, tuple_list, **kwargs)

A convenience function, to define multiple tokens at once. Each element of the passed-in list should be a tuple containing the arguments to the ordinary def_token method. Calls the equivalent Lexer function.

def_postfix_op(parser, operator_token_label, prec, allow_ignored_before=True, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

Define a postfix operator. If allow_ignored_before is false then no ignored token (usually whitespace) can appear immediately before the operator.

def_prefix_op(parser, operator_token_label, prec, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None)

Define a prefix operator. Note that head handlers do not have precedences, only tail handlers. (With respect to the looping in recursive_parse it wouldn’t make a difference.) But, within the head handler, the call to recursive_parse can be made with a nonzero precedence. This allows setting a precedence to determine the argument expressions that the prefix operators grabs up (or doesn’t).

def_stdfun(parser, fname_token_label, lpar_token_label, rpar_token_label, comma_token_label, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=1, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None, num_args=None, token_value_key=None)

This definition of stdfun uses lookahead to the opening paren or bracket token.

Note that all tokens must be defined as literal tokens except fname_token_label (which ends up as the root of the function evaluation subtree). If the latter is also a literal token then precond_priority may need to be increased to give this use priority.

The num_args parameter is optional for specifying the number of arguments when typing is not being used. If it is set to a nonnegative number then it will automatically set arg_types to the corresponding list of None values; if arg_types is set then it is ignored. If type-checking is disabled for the parser instance then the number of arguments is instead checked by the handler function.

def_stdfun_lpar_tail(parser, fname_token_label, lpar_token_label, rpar_token_label, comma_token_label, prec_of_lpar, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, construct_label=None, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None, num_args=None, token_value_key=None)

This is an alternate version of stdfun that defines lpar as an infix operator (i.e., with a tail handler). This function works in the usual cases but the current version without preconditions may have problems distinguishing “b (” from “b(” when a multiplication jop is set. The lookahead version def_stdfun is usually preferred.

This method assumes type checking is turned on if num_arg is set.

A peek backwards to a token with label fname_token_label is included in the preconditions function. Definitions for different leading tokens will give mutually exclusive preconditions.

undef_construct(construct, type_sig=None, token_value_key=None)[source]

Undefine a construct. If type_sig is passed a TypeSig instance then only that overload is deleted. If token_value_key is also defined then only that token key is unregistered. Otherwise the full construct is removed from the parser’s construct table.


Define a type associated with the name type_label.


Undefine the type associated with the name type_label.

parse_from_lexer(lexer_to_use, pstate=None)[source]

The same as the parse method, but a lexer_to_use is already assumed to be initialized. This is ONLY used when one parser instance calls another parser instance (implicitly, via the handler functions of its tokens). The outer parser calls this routine of the inner, subexpression parser. Such a call to another parser would look something like:


where lexer_to_use is the lexer_to_use of the outer parser. This routine temporarily swaps the token table for the passed-in lexer_to_use to be the token table for this parser (remember that this parser is the inner parser when this routine is called).

parse(program, pstate=None, partial_expressions=None, skip_lex_setup=False)[source]

The main routine for parsing a full program or expression. Users of the class should call this method to perform the parsing operations (after defining a grammar, of course).

Unless there was a parsing failure or partial_expressions is true then the lexer is left with the end-token as the current token.

If the pstate variable is set then the value will be pushed as the initial state on the production rule stack pstate_stack. The stack is then cleared after a successful call. (Set the parser attribute directly for more control.)

The parser’s partial_expressions attribute will be used unless it is overridden by the parameter partial_expressions here. When it is true no check is made for the end-token after recursive_parse returns a value. The lexer will be left at the last token consumed, so a check for the end-token will tell when all the text was consumed. Users are responsible for making sure their grammars are suitable for this kind of parsing if the option is set.

If the skip_lex_setup parameter is true then the text program is ignored and lexer setup is skipped. This is generally ONLY used when multiple parsers are parsing from a common text stream, and parse is called from the method parse_from_lexer.

exception typped.pratt_parser.IncompleteParseException[source]

Bases: typped.shared_settings_and_exceptions.ParserException

Only raised at the end of the PrattParser function parse if tokens remain in the lexer after the parser finishes its parsing.