Source code for typped.pratt_types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains classes defining types and methods which can be called by
the `PrattParser` class when checking types.  It defines the class `TypeSig`
and the class `TypeObject`, as well as a dict class for storing
parameterized types.

All checking of type equivalence has been abstracted into this module, via
utility routines (often static methods of classes).


- Function **parameters** or **formal arguments** are the identifiers which appear
  in the function definition (and the function signature).  The type
  specifications for parameters will be called **formal types**, since the
  term parameter is used differently below.

  The `original_sig` of a construct is the `TypeSig` of formal arguments.

  The `expanded_sig` of a construct is the `original_sig` expanded to the
  correct number of formal arguments (the first step of type matching). |br|

- Function **arguments** or **actual arguments** are the values which are actually
  passed to the function on a function call.  These are resolved at parse-time.
  Their types will be referred to as **actual types**.

  The `actual_sig` of a construct is the `TypeSig` of actual types, resolved
  during parsing.

Note that the formal type of a parameter can possibly match more than one
actual type.  At least one must match, however.

The each instance of the `PrattParser` class holds all of its defined types in
a `TypeTable` class, defined in this module.


# For ideas on how to define composite types, etc., look at PEP-483:
# Similarity to Python 3's type hinting would be good.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest_helper
                              ], pytest_args="-v")

from .shared_settings_and_exceptions import ParserException

# Formal and actual type specs for functions.

[docs]class Varargs(object): """This class is used to define type signatures which can check a variable number of arguments. When used at the end of an argument list for a `TypeSig` instance it will repeat any arguments inside it as many times as necessary. If `exact_repeat` is true (the default) then an exception will be raised if no multiple of the repeated arguments matches the actual arguments. Otherwise the arguments will be truncated to fit.""" # This hasn't been used or tested much, and may or may not be the best way # to implement this feature. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.exact_repeat = kwargs.get("exact_repeat", True) self.arg_types = args
[docs]class TypeSig(object): """The type specification for a function. Generally set at function definition. Can also be used for actual types, since it is just a container. The "functions" themselves can be any syntactic construct that produces a node in the final parse tree, with of the node representing the arguments. A `TypeSig` instance is essentially just a tuple `(val_type, arg_types)`, where `val_type` is a `TypeObjectSubclass` and the `arg_types` is a tuple of them. Using a separate class instead of a tuple allows for additional information to be stored with the data and produces better error messages. The class also provides a convenient place to localize some routines which operate on type signatures and lists of type signatures.Properties are used automatically convert wildcard `None` arguments to the corresponding `TypeObject` instances in the attributes `val_type` and `arg_types`. For the purposes of equality comparison these objects are equivalent to the tuple form. Equality is exact equality and **does not** hold for formal signatures and their corresponding actual signatures. For that, use `matches_formal_sig`. Equality also ignores any attributes (other than `val_type` and `arg_types`) which might be added to or modified in a `TypeSig` instance. Note that `None` is a wildcard which matches any type argument, and `None` for the `arg_types` list or tuple matches any arguments and any number of arguments (it is expanded during parsing to as many `None` arguments as are required). Note that `TypeSig() == TypeSig(None) == TypeSig(None, None)`. To specify an object like a literal which takes no arguments an empty list or tuple should be used for `arg_types`, as in `TypeSig(None, [])`; the `val_type` argument can be set to the desired type if it is typed. A single `TypeObject` as an `arg_types` argument (i.e., not an iterable) is expanded to be a tuple of that type of objects, of any required length. For example, a function might take an arbitrary number of arguments but they must all have `Int` type. The values type and the argument types can be accessed by indexing the 0 and 1 element of an instance, respectively, or by using the `val_type` and `arg_types` attributes.""" def __init__(self, val_type=None, arg_types=None): """Initialize a type signature object. The argument `val_type` should be either `None`, or a `TypeObject` instance. The argument `arg_types` should be a list, tuple, or other iterable of `None` values and/or `TypeObject` instances. The `None` value is treated as a wildcard that matches any corresponding type; `None` alone for `arg_types` allows any number of arguments of any type.""" self.val_type = val_type # Property, automatically converts None args. self.repeat_index = None self.exact_repeat = None self.arg_types = arg_types # Propery, automatically converts None args. # # Properties are used for val_type and arg_types to automatically convert # None args to TypeObject instances. # @property def val_type(self): """Return the `val_type` property saved in `_val_type`.""" return self._val_type @val_type.setter def val_type(self, value): """Convert all `val_type` assignment values to `TypeObject` instance and save the result in the attribute `_val_type`.""" self._val_type = self.convert_val_type_wildcards(value) @property def arg_types(self): """Return the `arg_types` property saved in `_arg_types`.""" return self._arg_types @arg_types.setter def arg_types(self, value): """Convert all `arg_types` assignment values to typles of `TypeObject` instances and save the result in the `_arg_types` attribute.""" self._arg_types = self.convert_arg_types_wildcards(value)
[docs] def convert_val_type_wildcards(self, val_type): """Convert `val_type` argument to a `TypeObject` instance and set attribute.""" if isinstance(val_type, TypeObject): pass # May need to do something at some point, not as of now. elif val_type is None: val_type = TypeObject(None) else: raise TypeModuleException("`TypeSig` initialized with invalid `val_type`" " of '{0}', of Python type {1}. Must be a `TypeObject` instance." .format(val_type, type(val_type))) return val_type
[docs] def convert_arg_types_wildcards(self, arg_types): """Convert all `arg_types` arguments to `TypeObject` instances and return it.""" if arg_types is None: # None here represents accepting any number of any type. arg_types = TypeObject(None) elif isinstance(arg_types, TypeObject): # Single TypeObject, expands as needed. pass elif not arg_types: # Matches (), [], and anything else that bools to False arg_types = () # Below case catches this, but this is clearer. else: # First handle any Varargs specifications. arg_types = list(arg_types) for count, arg in enumerate(arg_types): if isinstance(arg, Varargs): varargs = arg if count != len(arg_types) - 1: raise TypeModuleException("The Varargs specification can only" "occur as the last component of an arg_types list.") self.repeat_index = count self.exact_repeat = arg.exact_repeat arg_types = arg_types[:count] + list(varargs.arg_types) # Now covert any None arguments to TypeObject(None). for i in range(len(arg_types)): if isinstance(arg_types[i], TypeObject): # Ignores None values. pass # May take some action at some point, not now... elif arg_types[i] is None: arg_types[i] = TypeObject(None) else: raise TypeModuleException("`TypeSig` initialized with invalid" " `arg_types` of '{0}', of Python types {1}. Must be" " `TypeObject` instances.".format(list(arg_types), [type(at) for at in arg_types])) arg_types = tuple(arg_types) return arg_types
# # Static methods to do tasks related to TypeSig instances. #
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_matching_expanded_sigs(sig_list, list_of_child_sig_lists, tnode=None, raise_err_on_empty=True): """Return the list of all the signatures on `sig_list` whose arguments match some choice of child/argument signatures from `list_of_child_sig_lists` Note that this does not look at the return types, and returns all signatures with matching arguments. This is the main method of this class which is actually called from the `PrattParser` to find all the argument-matching signatures. (If overloading on return types is used then `PrattParser` also calls `get_child_sigs_matching_return_arg_type` on the second pass, to check return matches.) The `sig_list` argument should be a list of `TypeSig` instances representing formal types. The `list_of_child_sig_lists` argument should be a list of lists, where each sublist is a list of all the possible signatures for a child node. The sublists should be in the same order as the children/arguments. The returned list is a list of expanded formal type signatures (i.e., with `None` arguments expanded and with a fixed number of arguments). The original, unexpanded formal signature which matched is saved as an attribute `original_formal_sig` of each matching expanded formal signature which is returned.""" num_args = len(list_of_child_sig_lists) # Expand the signatures with wildcards to match the number of args. sig_list = TypeSig.get_sigs_expanded_for_num_actual_args(num_args, sig_list) # Filter the signatures by the number of arguments. sig_list = TypeSig.get_sigs_matching_num_args(num_args, sig_list, tnode, raise_err_on_empty) # Now filter by sigs for which the actual value of the child type matches # (as a type, not equality) the required formal type return type. sig_list = TypeSig.filter_sigs_matching_child_types(sig_list, list_of_child_sig_lists, tnode, raise_err_on_empty) return sig_list
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sigs_expanded_for_num_actual_args(num_args, sig_list): """Expand the signatures on list `sig_list` so that any `None` argument not inside a tuple or list is converted to a tuple of `None` having `num_args` of argument. This routine also expands argument signatures consisting of a single `TypeObject` to take any number of arguments of that type. Each expanded version has the original, unexpanded signature saved with it as an attribute called `original_formal_sig`.""" all_sigs_expanded = [] for sig in sig_list: if isinstance(sig.arg_types, TypeObject): # TypeObject(None) here also. new_sig = TypeSig(sig.val_type, (sig.arg_types,)*num_args) elif not sig.repeat_index is None: repeat_index = sig.repeat_index new_args = list(sig.arg_types[:repeat_index-1]) while len(new_args) < num_args: new_args.extend(sig.arg_types[repeat_index:]) if len(new_args) > num_args: if sig.exact_repeat: raise TypeModuleException("Repeating Varargs arguments does" " not match the required number of arguments in" " signature {0}".format(sig)) else: new_args = new_args[:num_args] new_sig = TypeSig(sig.val_type, new_args) else: new_sig = sig new_sig.original_formal_sig = sig # Save formal sig as an attribute of expanded. all_sigs_expanded.append(new_sig) return all_sigs_expanded
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sigs_matching_num_args(num_args, sig_list, tnode=None, raise_err_on_empty=True): """Return a list of signatures from `sig_list` which match `num_args` as the number of arguments. The optional token-tree node `tnode` is only used for improved error reporting. This routine assumes that a `formal_sig` attribute has been set for all passed-in signatures (for example, as set by the method `expand_sigs_with_None_args`.""" sigs_matching_numargs = [] for sig in sig_list: sig_args_len = len(sig.arg_types) if sig_args_len == num_args: new_sig = sig else: continue new_sig.original_formal_sig = sig.original_formal_sig # Copy over the formal sig. sigs_matching_numargs.append(new_sig) if raise_err_on_empty and not sigs_matching_numargs: msg = "The number of arguments ({0}) does not match any signature.".format( num_args) if tnode: tnode._raise_type_mismatch_error([], msg) else: raise TypeErrorInParsedLanguage(msg) return sigs_matching_numargs
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_sigs_matching_child_types(sig_list, list_of_child_sig_lists, tnode=None, raise_err_on_empty=True): """Return a list of all signatures in `sig_list` which have arguments that match (in order) the return type of some child signature in the corresponding sublist of `list_of_child_sig_lists`. The latter should be a list containing lists of all the expanded signatures for each child, in corresponding order. The number of arguments is assumed to already match (see `get_sigs_matching_num_args`). This just filters the list, removing the non-matches. The optional token-tree node `tnode` is only used for improved error reporting.""" matching_sigs = [] # Loop over each possible sig, testing for matches. for sig in sig_list: # Handle the case of literals, with no children/arguments. if len(sig.arg_types) == 0: matching_sigs.append(sig) continue # Handle the case with one or more children/arguments. mismatch_with_sig = False for child_sig_list, arg_type in zip( list_of_child_sig_lists, sig.arg_types): some_child_retval_matches = False for child_sig in child_sig_list: if arg_type == TypeObject(None): some_child_retval_matches = True break if child_sig.val_type.matches_formal_type(arg_type): some_child_retval_matches = True break if not some_child_retval_matches: mismatch_with_sig = True break if not mismatch_with_sig: matching_sigs.append(sig) if raise_err_on_empty and not matching_sigs: # TODO: Better msg, since now the construct abstraction is used. msg = ("Type mismatch: The actual argument types do not match any type " "signature registered with the token.") if tnode: tnode._raise_type_mismatch_error([], msg) else: raise TypeErrorInParsedLanguage(msg) return matching_sigs
[docs] @staticmethod def get_child_sigs_matching_return_arg_type(child, return_type, matching_sigs): """Called with a child node, the expected return type for that child, and a list of matching sigs for the child. Returns all the `child.matching_sigs` which also match in return type. This is used in pass two of the type-checking. When called, the `matching_sigs` parameter is passed the `child.matching_sigs` attribute which was already set on pass one of the checking. If the result is unique the return type of the child is known, and so the full signature can be resolved and assigned.""" # TODO TODO: This needs to use actual_matches_formal routine instead! return [s for s in matching_sigs if s.val_type == return_type or return_type is None]
[docs] @staticmethod def append_sig_to_list_replacing_if_identical(sig_list, sig): """Return `sig_list` either with `sig` appended or with any identical signature (according only to type equality, not attributes) replaced if one is there. This is called in `register_handler_funs`.""" try: sig_list.remove(sig) except ValueError: pass sig_list.append(sig) return sig_list
# # General indexing and equality testing methods. #
[docs] def matches_formal_sig(self, formal_sig): """Test if this signature as an actual signature matches `formal_sig` as a formal signature. Note the difference between this and equality! This is the one which should be called to determine signature equivalence based on type equivalences and possible conversions. NOT CURRENTLY USED, low-level `matches_formal_type` is used instead.""" if not isinstance(formal_sig, self.__class__): raise TypeError( "Comparing {0} with some other kind of object." .format(self.__class__)) if not self.val_type.matches_formal_type(formal_sig.val_type): return False if len(self.arg_types) != len(formal_sig.arg_types): return False for actual, formal in zip(self.arg_types, formal_sig.arg_types): if not actual.matches_formal_type(formal): return False return True
def __getitem__(self, index): """Indexing works like a tuple.""" if index == 0: return self.val_type elif index == 1: return self.arg_types else: raise IndexError def __eq__(self, sig): """Note that equality is *only* based on `val_type` and `arg_type` being *identical*. It ignores all other attributes, and does not consider more sophisticated notions of equality.""" if not isinstance(sig, self.__class__): raise TypeError( "Comparing {0} with some other kind of object." .format(self.__class__)) return self.val_type == sig.val_type and self.arg_types == sig.arg_types def __ne__(self, sig): return not self == sig def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self.arg_types, TypeObject): arg_string = self.arg_types.short_repr() else: arg_string = "[" for count, t in enumerate(self.arg_types): if count != 0: arg_string += ", " if count == self.repeat_index: varargs = ", ".join(t.short_repr() for t in self.arg_types[count:]) arg_string += "Varargs(" + varargs + ")" break else: arg_string += t.short_repr() arg_string += "]" return "TypeSig({0}, {1})".format(self.val_type.short_repr(), arg_string) def __hash__(self): """Needed to index dicts and for use in Python sets.""" return hash(("TypeSig", self.val_type, self.arg_types))
# # Type objects, representing individual types. # # NOTE: Consider if there is any advantage to having types themselves take # parameters other than the string labels.
[docs]def actual_matches_formal_default(actual_type, formal_type): # TODO: this could be a method of a full class, which handles all the # type equivalence, alias, and conversion stuff..... # Alternately, it would fit in as part of the existing TypeTable class. """The default function to check whether actual types match formal types. Currently uses straight equality, nothing else. Users should not call this directly, but instead call the `TypeObject` method `matches_formal_type` on the actual type. Users may set their own versions of this function.""" return actual_type == formal_type # Later consider fancier matching.
NONE = ("wildcard_none",) # A different representation for a type label of None.
[docs]class TypeObject(object): """Instances of this class represent types.""" # Be sure to update __hash__ if more type-defining components are added. def __init__(self, type_label, actual_matches_formal_fun=actual_matches_formal_default): """Instantiate a type object or a wildcare object with `None` argument.""" super(TypeObject, self).__init__() # Call base class __init__. if type_label is None: self.type_label = NONE self.is_wildcard = True else: self.type_label = type_label self.is_wildcard = False self.conversions = {} # Dict keyed by to_type values. self.actual_matches_formal_fun = actual_matches_formal_fun def __hash__(self): """Define hashing for instances.""" return hash(("TypeObject", self.type_label))
[docs] def def_conversion(self, to_type, priority=0, tree_data=None): """Define an automatic conversion to be applied.""" # TODO might need to redefine priority mechanism, since matching across # a full signature with possible conversions the greedy approach can # miss some things a non-greedy approach would find. That may just be # a limitation to document. Also, do you require uniqueness in # resolution, or use a ranking/priority mechanism? raise NotImplementedError("Conversions not implemented")
[docs] def undef_conversion(self, to_type): """Undefine a conversion.""" pass
[docs] def matches_formal_type(self, formal_type): """Test whether this object as an actual type matches `formal_type` as a formal type. All checks for type matches use this method. A hook is provided to pass in a different function to do the comparison. Set the `TypeObject` initializer keyword `actual_matches_formal_fun` to the function on the creation of each type. It should take two `TypeObject` arguments: the actual one followed by the formal one. Different functions can be passed to different type objects, or a generic one can be passed to all of them. See also the related method `matches_formal_sig` of `TypeSig` which checks both the value and the arguments in a signature""" return self.actual_matches_formal_fun(self, formal_type)
def __eq__(self, type_obj): """Note that this defines equality between types. The `==` symbol is defined as exact match only. Use `matches_formal_type` for comparing actual to formal.""" if not isinstance(type_obj, TypeObject): return False return self.type_label == type_obj.type_label def __ne__(self, type_object): return not self == type_object def __repr__(self): if self.type_label == NONE: str_label = "None" else: str_label = "'" + self.type_label + "'" return "TypeObject({0})".format(str_label)
[docs] def short_repr(self): """This repr prints `None` types as simply "None" rather than "TypeObject(None)".""" if self.type_label == NONE: str_label = "None" else: str_label = "'" + self.type_label + "'" return str_label
# # TypeTable. #
[docs]class TypeTable(object): """A type table holding instances of the `TypeObject` class, one for each defined type in the language. Each `PrattParser` instance has such a table, which holds the objects which represent each type defined in the language that the particular parser parses.""" aliases = {} # A static dict mapping defined aliases. TODO def __init__(self, parser_instance): """Initialize the type table. The `parser_instance` parameter should be the `PrattParser` instance which owns this type table. All type tables must be associated with a parser instance (the types are part of the language it parses).""" self.parser_instance = parser_instance self.type_object_dict = {} def __contains__(self, type_label): """Test whether a `TypeObject` instance for `type_label` has been stored.""" return type_label in self.type_object_dict def __getitem__(self, type_label): """Look up the `TypeObject` instance corresponding to `type_label` in the type table and return it. Raises a `TypeException` if no instance is found for the token label.""" if type_label in self.type_object_dict: type_object = self.type_object_dict[type_label] return type_object
[docs] def create_typeobject(self, type_label): """Create a `TypeObject` instance for a type with string label `type_label` and store it in the type table. Return the new instance. Raises a `TypeException` if an instance for `type_label` has already been created.""" if type_label in self.type_object_dict: raise TypeModuleException("Already created a type with type_label '{0}'." .format(type_label)) # Create a new TypeObject instance for the formal type label. #type_object = TypeObject(type_label, self.parser_instance.type_table) # TODO type_object = TypeObject(type_label) # Store the newly-created instance in the token_dict and then return it. self.type_object_dict[type_label] = type_object return type_object
[docs] def undef_typeobject(self, type_label): """Un-define the token with label type_label. The `TypeObject` instance previously associated with that label is removed from the dictionary.""" try: del self.type_object_dict[type_label] except KeyError: return # Not saved in dict, ignore.
# # Exceptions. #
[docs]class TypeErrorInParsedLanguage(ParserException): """Raised when the there is a type error in the language being parsed, as opposed to a `TypeError` in the Python code.""" pass
[docs]class TypeModuleException(ParserException): """An exception in the code of the `pratt_types` module.""" pass