Source code for typped.pratt_constructs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module holds the `Construct` class and the `ConstructTable`
class definitions.  They are basically just data containers, which are
accessed by the `PrattParser` instances.  Each `PrattParser` instance
has a `ConstructTable` instance.  The `ConstructTable` instances
hold `Construct` instances.

Constructs themselves are just handler functions for a pratt parser
which are also associated with a triggering token label, a preconditions
function, and other data.  See the documentation on preconditioned
dispatching pratt parsers.

The actual dispatching of handlers is done by the `dispatch_handler` routine of
the `ConstructTable`.  It runs the preconditions functions in order, and
returns a handler function for the winning construct.  This handler function
has its arguments bound, since they are known at the time the handler is
chosen.  This bound handler function first runs the registered handler; it
then does type checking and other options before returning the subtree.


from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

# Run tests when invoked as a script.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest_helper
                              ], pytest_args="-v")

import functools
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from .pratt_types import TypeSig, TypeErrorInParsedLanguage
from .shared_settings_and_exceptions import (HEAD, TAIL, NoHandlerFunctionDefined,

# TODO: A construct should probably save the `assoc` attribute.  Currently it
# is done inside the tail handlers, implemented in the builtins using the
# standard "prec - 1" method.  Should also hold `prec` attributes.
# Then, when variable prec implemented, the subtraction on assoc
# can effectively be done in `recursive_parse` (but without using subtraction
# so precedences could be anything that orders).  Just modify test from
# < to <= and then test < separately with break if assoc is set for construct.

# TODO: Do we really want construct to be set as a token attribute in this
# module, during dispatching?  It is currently used to access the eval_fun
# after the parsing.  Maybe `eval_fun` attributes should be set during parsing?
# Simple to then call them, also, for eval on the fly.
# If no type checking is done then the eval_fun and ast_data attrs can be set
# on tokens just after their handler runs, in the wrapper (check the construct
# first to see if it even has any).  The extra_data attr is still there
# at that point.  If overload_on_return_types then values
# would need to be copied over to a temp thing, and the lookup done when the
# types are resolved, then delete the extra_data attr.

[docs]class Construct(object): """A syntax construct in the language. Usually corresponds to a subtree of the final parse tree. Essentially a data frame for a handler function containing extra context information such as the preconditions function, etc. A construct is possibly triggered when a hander needs to be dispatched for its kind of token. The preconditions functions for all such constructs are run in priority-sorted order. A construct is triggered if its preconditions function is the first to evaluate to true. It then provides the handler function to be called. A list of typesigs must be stored because overloaded functions use the same handler function (it is unknown which signature will apply until after the arguments/subtree is parsed to resolve the overload). Some additional information (eval functions and ast labels) is stored in dicts keyed by typesigs. This is a low-level container class which blindly creates, saves, and retrieves data. Higher-level constraints on constructs (such as preventing redefinition with a new `head_or_tail` or `trigger_token_label`) are handled in the `ConstructTable` class or the `def_construct` method of `PrattParser`. """ __slots__ = ["parser_instance", "construct_label", "trigger_head_or_tail", "trigger_token_label", "handler_fun", "precond_fun", "precond_priority", "original_sigs", "ast_data_dict", "eval_fun_dict", "assoc", "prec", "key_eval_and_data_on_token_value", "is_empty"] # At some point precedence (lbp) values might be incorporated into a # constructs, but for now all constructs for the same token would need the # same precedence. The info seems to go here, though, at least for future # generalization -- reword that section of docs to incorporate constructs. def __init__(self, parser_instance, construct_label, trigger_head_or_tail=None, trigger_token_label=None, handler_fun=None, precond_fun=None, precond_priority=0, prec=0, # Experimental, see recursive_parse; remember slot. assoc=None, # Experimental, see recursive_parse. key_eval_and_data_on_token_value=False, lookup_depends_on_pstate=False): """Initialize a `Construct` instance associated with the parser `parser_instance`. Users should usually use the `def_construct` method of a `PrattParser` instance instead of instantiating a `Construct` directly. That routine calls the `register_construct` method of a `ConstructTable` instance, which in turn instantiates a `Construct`. The initial `Construct` instances have empty `original_sigs` lists of signatures. Signatures must be explicitly added via the `_add_type_sig` or `overload` methods. The string `construct_label` is a string label that is used to label a construct. It is optional and can provide extra debugging information and string-label access to constructs. The `trigger_head_or_tail` argument should be either `HEAD` or `TAIL` (which are currently defined as the strings `"head"` and `"tail"`). The `trigger_token_label` is the label of the triggering token. The `handler_fun` argument should be passed the handler function. It will be used with preconditions function `precond_fun`, at priority `precond_priority`. The `original_sig` argument should be a formal type signature, unexpanded since that is done at parse-time. If `original_sig` is none then an empty list of signatures is created. In the case of an empty type list either type-checking in the parser should be disabled (via the `skip_type_checking` flag) or else types should be added later via the `overload` method of this class. An dictionary of evaluation functions and arbitrary data can be passed as `eval_fun_dict` and `ast_data_dict`. Otherwise new empty instances are created. Dicts are passed when redefining a construct (i.e., overloading) in order to save the previous data. If `key_eval_and_data_on_token_value` is set true then the string values of parsed tokens are also used as part of the key for saving and looking up AST data and evaluation functions. The `predefined_precond_conditions` argument is not currently used. At some point it might be used for optimized lookup, doing more-efficient preconditions checks on a predefined set of conditions without having to actually call a preconditions function. Takes a dict argument which maps predefined string preconditions specifications to the required values. For example, `dict(top_of_pstate_stack="expression", peek_token_label="k_lpar")`. """ self.parser_instance = parser_instance self.construct_label = construct_label self.trigger_head_or_tail = trigger_head_or_tail self.trigger_token_label = trigger_token_label self.handler_fun = handler_fun self.precond_fun = precond_fun self.precond_priority = precond_priority self.assoc = assoc self.prec = prec self.original_sigs = [] self.ast_data_dict = defaultdict(dict) self.eval_fun_dict = defaultdict(dict) self.key_eval_and_data_on_token_value = key_eval_and_data_on_token_value self.is_empty = False
[docs] @staticmethod def run(construct, tok, lex, processed_left=None, extra_data=None): """Run the handler associated with the construct. Check the returned parse subtree with `process_and_check_node`. Return the subtree if it passes type checking. This is a static method because the arguments will be bound using `functools.partial` before it is dispatched to be called.""" handler_fun = construct.handler_fun if construct.trigger_head_or_tail == HEAD: subtree = handler_fun(tok, lex) else: subtree = handler_fun(tok, lex, processed_left) # # Process any in_tree=False declarations (remove item from the final tree). # subtree.process_not_in_tree() # Could have option to skip this... # # Do type checking on the expression tree before returning it. # if construct.parser_instance.skip_type_checking: return subtree if hasattr(subtree, "process_and_check_kwargs"): subtree.process_and_check_node(construct, **subtree.process_and_check_kwargs) delattr(subtree, "process_and_check_kwargs") else: subtree.process_and_check_node(construct) return subtree
def _get_dict_keys(self, type_sig, token_value_key): """Return the dict key tuple based on the overload settings of the parser instance.""" # Ignore token_value_key if keying is turned of for construct. # Global setting may not be needed... if self.parser_instance.skip_type_checking: type_sig = None if not self.key_eval_and_data_on_token_value: token_value_key = None if self.parser_instance.overload_on_ret_types: dict_keys = (type_sig, token_value_key) elif self.parser_instance.overload_on_arg_types: dict_keys = (type_sig.arg_types, token_value_key) else: dict_keys = (None, token_value_key) return dict_keys
[docs] def save_eval_fun(self, eval_fun, type_sig=None, token_value_key=None): """Save data in the `eval_fun_dict` and `ast_data_dict`, keyed by the `TypeSig` instance `typesig` and also by the `arg_types` of that typesig. If type checking is disabled for the parser then `type_sig` is set to `None`. If `key_eval_and_data_on_token_value` is true for the construct then the value `token_value_key` is also used in the lookup key.""" if self.parser_instance.skip_type_checking: type_sig = None if type_sig is not None and type_sig not in self.original_sigs: raise ParserException("Attempt to add an evaluation function for a type" " signature that is not registered with the construct. The" " function name is '{0}' and the construct label is '{1}'." .format(eval_fun.__name__, self.construct_label)) dict_keys = self._get_dict_keys(type_sig, token_value_key) self.eval_fun_dict[dict_keys[0]][dict_keys[1]] = eval_fun
[docs] def save_ast_data(self, ast_data, type_sig=None, token_value_key=None): """Save data in the `eval_fun_dict` and `ast_data_dict`, keyed by the `TypeSig` instance `typesig` and also by the `arg_types` of that typesig. If type checking is disabled for the parser then `type_sig` is set to `None`. If `key_eval_and_data_on_token_value` is true for the construct then the value `token_value_key` is also used in the lookup key.""" if self.parser_instance.skip_type_checking: type_sig = None if type_sig is not None and type_sig not in self.original_sigs: raise ParserException("Attempt to add an AST data item for a type" " signature that is not registered with the construct. The" " construct label is '{0}'.".format(self.construct_label)) dict_keys = self._get_dict_keys(type_sig, token_value_key) self.ast_data_dict[dict_keys[0]][dict_keys[1]] = ast_data
[docs] def get_eval_fun(self, orig_sig, token_value_key=None): """Return an evaluation function saved by `save_eval_fun`. The `orig_sig` argument is the original signature it was saved under, not the expanded signature.""" dict_keys = self._get_dict_keys(orig_sig, token_value_key) return self.eval_fun_dict.get(dict_keys[0], {}).get(dict_keys[1], None)
[docs] def get_ast_data(self, orig_sig, token_value_key=None): """Return the ast data saved by `save_ast_data`. The `orig_sig` argument is the original signature it was saved under, not the expanded signature.""" dict_keys = self._get_dict_keys(orig_sig, token_value_key) return self.eval_fun_dict.get(dict_keys[0], {}).get(dict_keys[1], None)
[docs] def overload(self, val_type=None, arg_types=None, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None, token_value_key=None, num_args=None): """Overload the construct to allow a different type signature with a different evaluation function and AST data element. This is the user-level interface. To overload only on the number of argments when all types are allowed, set `num_args` to the number. Note that in that case `val_type` and `arg_types` are ignored.""" if num_args is not None: type_sig = TypeSig(None, [None] * num_args) else: type_sig = TypeSig(val_type, arg_types) self._add_type_sig(type_sig, eval_fun, ast_data, token_value_key) return self
def _add_type_sig(self, type_sig, eval_fun=None, ast_data=None, token_value_key=None): """A lower-level interface for adding a type signature. Called by the higher-level `overload` method as well as `Construct.register_construct`. Use `type_sig=None` to set the values when type checking is disabled.""" if self.parser_instance.skip_type_checking: type_sig = None if self.key_eval_and_data_on_token_value and not token_value_key: # NOTE: Keying on values could be per type sig, vs. global for construct. raise ParserException("If `key_eval_and_data_on_token_value` is set for" " a `Construct` instance then all its overloads must supply a" " `token_value_key` argument.") if self.original_sigs and not self.parser_instance.overload_on_arg_types: raise TypeErrorInParsedLanguage("Value of overload_on_arg_types" " is False but attempt to redefine and possibly set multiple" " signatures for the {0} function triggered by tokens with the" " label '{1}' from the construct with label '{2}'." .format(self.head_or_tail, self.trigger_token_label, self.construct_label)) TypeSig.append_sig_to_list_replacing_if_identical(self.original_sigs, type_sig) if eval_fun is not None: self.save_eval_fun(eval_fun, type_sig, token_value_key) if ast_data is not None: self.save_ast_data(ast_data, type_sig, token_value_key) return self
[docs] def unregister_overload(self, type_sig, token_value_key=None): """Unregister an overload. If the last overload is deleted then the ``original_sigs`` attribute will be left empty. The construct will still be in the any ``ConstructTable`` that it was part of, though. Called from the `unregister_construct` of `ConstructTable`. If `token_value_key` is set then only that token value is removed, unless it is the last one in which case the whole signature is removed.""" # TODO: Untested method. dict_keys = self._get_dict_keys(type_sig, token_value_key) # Remove the data associated with the type sig. for eval_or_data_dict in [self.eval_fun_dict, self.ast_data_dict]: if dict_keys[0] in eval_or_data_dict: if token_value_key is None: del eval_or_data_dict[dict_keys[0]] else: values_dict = eval_or_data_dict[dict_keys[0]] if dict_key[1] in values_dict: del values_dict[token_value_key] if not eval_or_data_dict.get(dict_keys[0]): del eval_or_data_dict[dict_keys[0]] # If all associated data is now gone, remove the type sig itself. if (dict_keys[0] not in self.eval_fun_dict and dict_keys[0] not in self.ast_data_dict): self.original_sigs = [s for s in self.original_sigs if s != type_sig] if not self.original_sigs: self.is_empty = True
def __repr__(self): """Print nice output.""" return ("Construct(parser_instance={}, construct_label={}," " trigger_head_or_tail={}, trigger_token_label={}," " handler_fun={}, precond_fun={}, precond_priority={}," " key_eval_and_data_on_token_value={})" .format(self.parser_instance.parser_label, self.construct_label, self.trigger_head_or_tail, self.trigger_token_label, self.handler_fun.__name__, self.precond_fun.__name__, self.precond_priority, self.key_eval_and_data_on_token_value))
[docs]class ConstructTable(object): """A dict holding `Construct` objects, with related methods. Each `PrattParser` instance has a `ConstructTable` instance to hold its constructs.""" def __init__(self, parser_instance): """Initialize a `ConstructTable` associated with the `PrattParser` instance `parser_instance`.""" self.parser_instance = parser_instance # Dict of sorted lists of constructs by [head_or_tail][trigger_token_label] self.construct_lookup_dict = {} self.construct_lookup_dict[HEAD] = {} self.construct_lookup_dict[TAIL] = {}
[docs] def register_construct(self, head_or_tail, trigger_token_subclass, handler_fun, precond_fun, precond_priority, construct_label, type_sig, eval_fun, ast_data, token_value_key): """Register a construct (either head or tail) with the subclass for this kind of token, setting the given properties. This method is only ever called from the `def_construct` method of a `PrattParser` instance. The `head_or_tail` argument must be `HEAD` or `TAIL`. The `type_sig` argument must be a valid `TypeSig` instance. If `token_value_key` is set then it will be used as part of the key on evaluation functions and AST data. The `key_eval_and_data_on_token_value` attribute of the `Construct` instance is set based on this being set, and must always be the same for a given construct.""" key_eval_and_data_on_token_value = False if token_value_key: key_eval_and_data_on_token_value = True # Todo maybe later, if profiling shows it might be worth it: Consider # possible optimizations in looking up handler functions, instead of # always linear search after splitting on `head_or_tail` and # `trigger_token_label` values. Some other commonly-used preconditions # could potentially also to reduce the linear search space. Note that # by definition, the `head_or_tail` and `trigger_token_label` # preconditions are mutually exclusive in selecting constructs. For # other preconditions, though, you also have the possibility of a # "don't care" value, which increases the complexity in just extending # the splitting. # # Suppose a decorator is used on preconditions functions (which returns # a wrapper that first runs any of the preset kwarg tests that are set): # # @precond_fun(peek_token_label="k_lpar") # def my_fun(...): # return True # # Alternately, just set as a Construct attribute since you might not need # any preconditions function. See the unused __init__ option there now... # # Assume the same setup as now for mutually-exclusive properties but # with this kind of thing done for each priority-sorted sublist above # some threshold size (properties are things like "peek token label # value" or "string value on top of pstate stack"). # # 1) A list of dicts, one for each extra property to test on. # 2) Each dict for a property has items keyed by the property values # (which are inserted into it as it is built up). Each dict item contains # as its value a two-tuple containing 1) a priority-sorted sub-sublist of # constructs in the sublist with that property value, as well as 2) a set # of the constructs with that value for the property. # 3) To look up a construct you get the sorted sub-sublist for each property, # keyed by the property's value in the current precond context. # 4) Take the intersection of these sub-sublists. # Algorithm: start with one (smallest size is best) and sequentially (by # priority ordering) compare for membership in all the others, using the # sets that are also saved. Take the first construct that is contained in # all of them. # Premature optimization for now. What sizes of sets involved would make # it worth the overhead is another question. # # Good properties to use: token_value, peek_token_label, peek_token_value, # top_of_pstate_stack. # More limited, less general alternative for grammar-processing only: # When defining and storing a construct have an option like this passed # down to save in Constructs: `only_during_pstate="expression"`. When # registering with ConstructTable use `(token_label, # only_during_pstate)` as the key instead of token_label alone. Then, # assume a boolean parser attribute flag # `pstate_processing_in_progress`. In `lookup_winning_construct` look # at the parser flag first. If it is true then use the tuple # `(token_label, parser_instance.pstate_stack[-1])` to look up the # sorted construct list. Otherwise do the usual. # # Say that all of the grammar processing constructs are defined with # the `only_during_pstate` set to the corresponding nonterminal label. # All the handlers for grammar processing should set the parser # property `pstate_processing_in_progress` at the top and then turn it # off at the end. This gives two disjoint modes of operation. But the # "entry point" nonterminal rules also need to be defined normally # (keyed both ways) so they can be triggered at all (another option to # `def_construct`, etc.) # # Note that for `Pratt` grammar directives the flag would be # temporarily turned off and then back on. trigger_token_label = trigger_token_subclass.token_label # TODO: finish this stuff or delete it, optimize for grammar stuff. #if pstate_stack and trigger_token_subclass.token_kind == "null-string": # trigger_token_label = (trigger_token_label, pstate_stack[-1]) # Set up the construct_lookup_dict structure if necessary. head_or_tail_construct_dict = self.construct_lookup_dict[head_or_tail] if trigger_token_label not in head_or_tail_construct_dict: head_or_tail_construct_dict[trigger_token_label] = [] sorted_construct_list = head_or_tail_construct_dict[trigger_token_label] construct = Construct(self.parser_instance, construct_label=construct_label, trigger_head_or_tail=head_or_tail, trigger_token_label=trigger_token_label, handler_fun=handler_fun, precond_fun=precond_fun, precond_priority=precond_priority, key_eval_and_data_on_token_value=key_eval_and_data_on_token_value) # Make sure we don't get multiple definitions with the same priority if # that checking is enabled. if self.parser_instance.raise_on_equal_priority_preconds: for prev_construct_instance in sorted_construct_list: if prev_construct_instance.precond_priority != precond_priority: continue trigger_token = self.parser_instance.get_token(trigger_token_label) raise ParserException("\nTwo preconditions functions for the token" " subclass named\n '{0}'\nfor token with label\n '{1}'\n" " would have the same priority, {2}. Their constructs" " are\n {3}\nand\n {4}\nIf the precond funs are not" " mutually exclusive then the later-defined construct\nwill" " never be called when both are true. Set the parser" " flag\n raise_on_equal_priority_preconds=False\nif" " you actually want to allow precondition ties." .format(trigger_token.__name__, trigger_token.token_label, precond_priority, construct, prev_construct_instance)) sorted_construct_list.append(construct) # Re-sort the list, since we appended an item. (Could be a little # more efficient as a binary tree insertion, putting it in where it belongs, # but the builtin Python sort is in C so it might still win.) sorted_construct_list.sort(key=lambda item: item.precond_priority, reverse=True) self.construct_lookup_dict[ head_or_tail][trigger_token_label] = sorted_construct_list # Save the eval_fun and ast_data. construct._add_type_sig(type_sig, eval_fun=eval_fun, ast_data=ast_data, token_value_key=token_value_key) return construct
[docs] def unregister_construct(self, construct, type_sig=None, token_value_key=None): """Unregister the previously-registered construct. If `construct_label` is not set then all head or tail handlers matching `head_or_tail` and `trigger_token_label` are unregistered. The `type_sig` argument must be a valid `TypeSig` instance or else `None`. If `type_sig` is `None` then all overloads are unregistered; otherwise only the particular signature is unregistered. No error is raised if a matching construct function is not found.""" # TODO Untested method. token_label_keyed_dict = self.construct_lookup_dict[construct.head_or_tail] if not token_label_keyed_dict: return if construct.trigger_token_label not in token_label_keyed_dict: return construct_list = token_label_keyed_dict[construct.trigger_token_label] if type_sig is not None: construct.unregister_overload(type_sig, token_value_key) # Delete whole thing if no type_sig or no sigs are left in the construct. if type_sig is None or not construct.original_sigs: construct_list[:] = [c for c in construct_list if c is not construct] if not construct_list: del token_label_keyed_dict[trigger_token_label]
[docs] def lookup_winning_construct(self, head_or_tail, trigger_token_instance, lex=None, extra_data=None): """Look up and return the "winning" construct for the given head or tail position, based on the current state. This method evaluates each preconditions function in the sorted dict for this kind of token and the specified kind of construct (head or tail), returning the construct associated with the first one which evaluates to `True`. Raises `NoHandlerFunctionDefined` if no handler function can be found. This function also sets the attribute `construct` of this token instance to the label of the winning precondition function.""" trigger_token_label = trigger_token_instance.token_label # Special processing for null-string tokens when pstate stack nonempty. # TODO: finish this stuff or delete, optimize grammar stuff. #if (trigger_token_instance.token_kind == "null-string" and # self.parser_instance.pstate_stack): # pstate_top = self.parser_instance.pstate_stack[-1] # trigger_token_label = (trigger_token_instance, pstate_top) head_or_tail_construct_dict = self.construct_lookup_dict[head_or_tail] if not trigger_token_label in head_or_tail_construct_dict: if not self.parser_instance.parser_label: parser_msg = "" else: parser_msg = " Parser has label '{0}'.".format( self.parser_instance.parser_label) raise NoHandlerFunctionDefined( "No {0} handler functions at all are defined" " for tokens with token label '{1}'. The token's" " value is '{2}'.{3}" .format(head_or_tail, trigger_token_label, trigger_token_instance.value, parser_msg)) sorted_construct_list = head_or_tail_construct_dict[trigger_token_label] # Sequentially run sorted precondition functions until one is true. for construct in sorted_construct_list: if construct.is_empty: # Ignore empty constructs. continue # Call the precond fun. Note the default true fun is assumed true. if (construct.precond_fun is DEFAULT_ALWAYS_TRUE_PRECOND_FUN or construct.precond_fun(trigger_token_instance, lex)): # Note construct is saved as a user-accesible token attribute here. trigger_token_instance.construct = construct return construct raise NoHandlerFunctionDefined("No {0} handler function matched the token " "with value '{1}' and label '{2}' in the current preconditions." .format(head_or_tail, trigger_token_instance.value, trigger_token_label))
[docs] def dispatch_handler(self, head_or_tail, trigger_token_instance, lex, extra_data, left=None): """Look up and return a wrapper for the "winning" handler function for the token, with its arguments bound. Sets `extra_data` attribute on `trigger_token_instance`.""" trigger_token_instance.extra_data = extra_data if head_or_tail == HEAD: construct = self.lookup_winning_construct(HEAD, trigger_token_instance, lex, extra_data) handler = functools.partial(, construct, trigger_token_instance, lex) elif head_or_tail == TAIL: construct = self.lookup_winning_construct(TAIL, trigger_token_instance, lex, extra_data) handler = functools.partial(, construct, trigger_token_instance, lex, left) else: raise ParserException("Bad first argument to dispatch_handler" " function: must be HEAD or TAIL or the equivalent.") return handler, construct